And just like that, 2023 is coming to a close. So, to celebrate all that we've done this year, we're running down the top 7 posts for 2023, based on traffic, shares and views.
Enjoy reading and count down to number one with me.
7 - What is Phenolic Bitterness
Wine enthusiasts often find themselves navigating a complex world of flavours, aromas, and textures. Among the myriad elements that contribute to a wine's profile, one aspect that occasionally takes center stage is phenolic bitterness.
Check this post as we discuss phenolic bitterness in white wine and its impact on taste.
6 - What Wine Pairs With Mango Sour
We are back at it, looking at our Caribbean kitchen, focusing on what we love to eat, and deciding what wines work best when paired with them. Today, we are pairing wine with Mango Sour.
Check this post to read our mango sour and wine pairing tips.
5 - What Wine Pairs With Callaloo
Most who are familiar with callaloo generally eat it as an accompaniment to something else, Callaloo and Saltfish, for example. That said, I have been known to sit down to a simple bowl of callaloo on its own, and it's the lone callaloo snack times when I get to wondering "what wine would pair nicely", hence this post.
Check this post to read our callaloo and wine pairing must-do's.
4 - Corbieres Wine Region And Why You Need To Know It
One of the keys to finding deliciously striking yet affordable wines is understanding some of the lesser talked about wine regions and the wines they produce. From there, you source what that region does best, and I guarantee you that most of your go-to and repeat-buy wines will come from this exercise.
Check this post to read about my exploration of wines from the Corbières region.
3 - Wine In A Can And What You Need To Know
Now that having a libation in the park is legal here in Toronto, we thought it only timely to share both our thoughts on canned wine, a few recommendations, and a whitty segment we did on the daytime television show called The Social.
Check this post to see the segment on The Social and read more on the wines we featured.
2 - Why The Wines of Languedoc Should Be On Every Wine Drinkers Radar
Whether you have been drinking wine for years or are just getting your palate wet along the vino path, the region of Languedoc-Roussillon produces a variety of wine styles that can captivate any palate. Its contrasts, appellation to appellation, are enough to make anyone a fan before too long.
Check this post to read more on our love of Languedoc wines.
1 - What Wine Pairs with Corned Beef A.K.A. Bully Beef
While hashing out the FriendsMas dinner for this past holiday, one friend piped up to talk about the price of food these days. Then one of us, in jest but partially largely due to nostalgia, said, "we should make bully beef and call it a day", and that is just what we did! We unscrewed a tin of Hereford Bully Beef and made magic happen!
Check this post out to see what wines we paired with bully beef!